Most people come to therapy because their relationships are spiraling out of control in some inexplicable way. This is particularly true with significant others, be it spouse, live-in partner or similar relationship. We are convinced of one of two things. “If only he/she would change or fix something about him or herself then everything would be smooth sailing.” Or, “there’s definitely something wrong with me or my life would be better.” The reality is that neither of those explanations are correct. The responsibility belongs to the couple not just one person.
Your life is also filled with other relationships, including your children, parents, friends or boss. In balancing these it is important not to sacrifice you own needs. Being able to discuss difficult subjects such as sex, money, children and boundaries can present challenges. Find out how to treat others with love and appreciation and receive the same in return. Learn the strange signals of teenagers and become their parent and not their buddy.
Together, we will tackle how important it is to have a positive understanding of yourself to improve your relationship with others. I will show you ways to communicate with the ones you love in our fast-paced world without losing yourself. I will help you discover what you and your relationships have in common so you can learn to manage and enrich the feelings that accompany your deepest connections.

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates
Everyone experiences transitions and generally navigates them without too much thought or concern. However, some passages in life create so much change that you find yourself immobilized, anxious, depressed or fearful without an inkling on how to move forward. These transitions might include bereavement, marriage, divorce, entering menopause, being diagnosed with a medical condition, becoming a family caregiver, your children becoming teenagers or leaving the nest, retirement, break-up or job changes. In fact, the list is endless. Together will map out how to manage your feelings, improve your coping skills and boost you through this and other difficult times. No one is born with a guidebook on how life works. Asking for help is the first step in changing your situation. No problem is too small if it causes you concern. You can transform your life by calling me at 760-822-7729.